people filming a podcast

16 Benefits of Podcasting For Your Business in 2024

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16 Benefits of podcasting for your business in 2024

Are you familiar with podcasting?

It’s one of the fastest-growing mediums many businesses use to reach their customers. Podcasts are audio or video recordings of someone speaking, similar to a radio show or lecture.

Podcasting is a great way to build your brand, connect with customers, and keep your team engaged.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of podcasting for your business thus, helping you finally create your own winning podcast!

What Is A Podcast? The 16 Benefits Of Podcasting

podcast microphone and laptop with headphones

But before we dive deep into the benefits of podcasting for your business, let’s first talk about the most important thing – the definition of podcasts.

A podcast is a series of audio recordings people can subscribe to, play in the car or phone, and listen to whenever they want.

Podcasts are a great way to learn about things. It usually contains interviews with experts on a subject matter being discussed

All in all, podcasting is one of the most important innovations of our time—it allows us to hear from people from all over the world.

But in your case, the podcast you would like to create would revolve around your business. Therefore, your goal is for people worldwide to discover and connect with your brand through this medium.

Say you’re a bake shop and want to create a podcast. Some of your topics may be:

  • How to begin a cake business
  • The most sellable types of cake
  • Things to remember when making wedding cakes

There are so many possible topics on the table. All you need to do is to dig deep and craft as many ideas as relevant to your business.

1. Podcasts Can Help You Build An Audience

The first benefit of podcasting for your business is that it helps you build your audience.

In a world where people are constantly bombarded by information, podcasts offer a unique way to connect with your customers.

You can use them to share insider knowledge and provide helpful tips or simply as a way to get acquainted with the people who buy from you.

People love podcasts because they offer a level of intimacy that can’t be found anywhere else.

Aside from that, podcasts are also a perfect space for sharing your expertise, building trust with potential customers, and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry.

They also help you reach a new potential audience that just listens to podcasts. Meaning if you don't have one you would never reach them before.

2. Podcasts Are Easy To Create

You can create a podcast and talk about anything you want: your company, your industry, your products/services, or even a funny story of how your business came to be.

If you’re worried about the cost of creating a podcast, don’t be! There are plenty of free resources out there that will help you record and publish your content.

You’ll need a microphone and software. If you don’t have one yet, we recommend a USB microphone for its convenience and flexibility. You can record directly into your computer using a USB microphone or connect it to your smartphone via Bluetooth.

Go here for a full podcast equipment checklist.

Next, you’ll want to find a quiet place where no distractions—like loud music or other people talking nearby—and set up the equipment accordingly.

Finally, set up some guidelines for yourself before you start recording: how long will each episode be? What topics will it cover? Will there be any guests involved? These questions will help guide you through the process of creating your content so that it feels natural and authentic when it comes time for publishing on your chosen platform.

3. You Can Use Them To Expand Your Brand Awareness

Another benefit of podcasting is how it helps you expand your credibility and brand authority.

In fact, according to Edison Research, 54% of podcast listeners are likely to consider buying from a brand advertised on a podcast.

There are some great reasons why you should consider adding a podcast to your marketing strategy.

  • Podcasting is a great way to connect with customers and potential customers. Connecting with people interested in what you have to say can build trust and credibility for your brand.
  • It’s a low-cost investment when compared to other forms of advertising. Podcasts don’t cost as much money as other forms of advertising, and they are easy to produce, which means that they are less risky than other forms of advertising.
  • They can be integrated into other marketing efforts like social media or email campaigns to become part of an overall marketing strategy rather than separate from everything else going on at any given time.”

The are many more ways podcasting can help build brand awareness.

4. Podcasting for Your Business is Great For SEO

If you want more traffic on your website, podcasts are the way to go. They will help you improve your SEO and bring new customers to your business.

Podcasts are great for SEO because they are easy to share on social media, and people love listening to them. You can also use them as a way to promote your business by creating content that is relevant to your industry. This is a benefit of podcasting you don’t want to miss!

5. You Get To Share The Passion Of Your Business With The World

Podcasts are a great way to help you share your passion for your business with the world. When passionate about something, it’s easy to get excited and talk about it all day. But there’s only so much time in the day, and if you’re busy working on your business, who’s going to be able to listen? A podcast is easy for people interested in what you have to say to digest it in small chunks over time—and for them to learn more about what makes you tick or what makes your business unique.

Podcasting for your business can also be a great way for people who aren’t so familiar with your brand yet but want to learn more about it to find out more about you and why they should trust you. People often trust those they know before they trust strangers—podcasts are one of the best ways to learn more about who YOU are!

6. Repurpose Your Podcast Episodes To Other Platforms.

Using your podcast episodes to create content on other platforms is a great time saver.

You can repurpose your best episodes and highlights into other forms of content such as:

  • Blog content
  • Social media posts
  • Advertisements

You can read more about this here and how you can do it.

7. It's Fun To Create

Podcasts allow you to talk in-depth about your work and passions.

This makes them fun to create.

If you can easily talk about your expertise and passion for hours your target audience will have a better trust of your business.

They can tell you care about and enjoy what you do, making them more likely to want to work with you.

8. It's A Secondary Income Source

You can monetize your podcast on different platforms.

This means if you are getting a lot of listeners and watchers.

Platforms like YouTube and Spotify will pay you ad revenue.

Along with other brands reaching out and asking you to promote their products and services on your podcast.

This income can supplement your main income stream.

It will increase revenue streams for your business so you can be more profitable.

9. Build A Community

If you do hours of podcasts and your audience is engaged.

Starting an online community will be easy.

If you promote your community on your podcast you will be able to build a community fast.

A community is great for networking and better connecting with your customers.

This helps you better understand your customer's wants and needs.

10. Generate More Business Leads

If people can listen to you passionately talk about your products and services for hours.

They will be more trusting of your business and be more likely to work with you.

You can promote your services and products in all your podcast episodes with a call to action.

Tell people how they can work with you.

Then your podcast can become a lead generation machine.

11. Showcase Your Expertise

If you do consistent long-form podcast episodes about your business this will greatly boost your expertise.

If you can passionately talk for hours about your business people will know you are an expert in your field.

It's a great way to showcase your expertise and build trust with potential clients and customers.

12. Podcasting is Budget-friendly

It doesn't cost a lot to start and you might already have all the equipment you need.

You just need the following:

  • A microphone or Apple earbuds with a mic
  • Laptop with webcam
  • Editing and recording software like GarageBand or Audacity.

That is all you need to get started.

You might have it all already.

13. Reach Everyone In the World

Podcasts have a global reach.

This helps you market and build brand awareness across the globe.

Platforms like YouTube and Spotify push your podcast content to a global audience.

It is a great marketing opportunity.

14. Support client retention

Not only can you attract a new audience with a podcast, you can build a better connection with current clients.

A podcast helps you connect better with your customers and clients.

This will help with client retention, as your clients will be more engaged and trusting of your business.

15. Use Podcast Analytics To Improve Your Business

If you review the analytics for your podcast it can give a lot of useful insights into your customers.

You can review your best-performing episodes.

Then dive into what you discussed and why people enjoyed this content.

This will give you a better understanding of the potential opportunities you can focus on for your service or product.

16. Create A Business Content Strategy From A Podcast

Whenever you make a new episode or talk about a new topic.

You can take these ideas and use them in the following places.

  • Social media content
  • Advertisements
  • Blog content
  • Video content

It can help with your business content strategy for ideas and inspiration.

For more tips on building a podcast content strategy read this.

The Bottomline

The benefits of podcasting for your business are clear. Podcasts can help you build relationships, increase your reach and influence in your field, and even make your business more money.

Ultimately, podcasting is all about connecting with your potential customers. And that makes it worth every second!

Have you ever had a great idea for a podcast but found yourself lacking the technical know-how to bring it to life?

Well, we’re here to help you. PodKick provides audio production, online mixing and mastering, and other services to bring your podcast to life.

Contact us today!

16 Benefits of Podcasting For Your Business in 2024

Mary Achurra

Content Markteter